

1 comment:

  1. *Here are the vocabulary words I had trouble with. If you have any other words you would like me to find the definition/meaning of just let me know. Hope this helps a little bit.

    Haphazard- happening or done in a way that has not been planned
    Trawling- to search for something through a large amount of information or many possibilities
    Predecessors- somebody who held a position or job before somebody else
    Arpanet- a wide area computer network of the late 1960s linking U.S. government, academic, business, and military sites
    Elegiacally- expressing sorrow or regret
    Congeal- to become thick and solid, or cause a liquid to thicken and solidify
    Nuked- to attack somebody or something with nuclear weapons
    secular - not controlled by a religious body or concerned with religious or spiritual matters
    separatist- to explore an area in order to gather information, especially about the strength and positioning of enemy forces
    portmanteau- an old type of large leather suitcase, especially one that opened out into two compartments
    neologisms- a recently coined word or phrase, or a recently extended meaning of an existing word or phrase
    edutainment- television programs, computer software, or other media content intended both to entertain and educate users
    psychedelic- relating to, caused by, or describing drugs that generate hallucinations, atypical psychic states, or states that resemble psychiatric disorders
    quotidian- of the most ordinary everyday kind
    extrapolate- to use known facts as the starting point from which to draw inferences or conclusions about something unknown
    slag- fused glassy material that is produced when a metal is separated from its ore during smelting
    dystopian- an imaginary place where everything is as bad as it possibly can be
    hedonic- concerned with pleasure

    Lupita Perez Per. 3
